Osaks edge: Zrea’s story Zear found himself tngwain to do it (more | rome) and (more | rome), but (now | own | won) the day had come where (there | three) (saw | was) a chance of it happening? the nsftaay (cloud | could) become reality. (cloud | could) he pull it off? he asked himself (sheet | these) questions again and again. the answers (newer | weren)’t easy. (begin | being) of an elian species (no | on) (earth | heart) (saw | was) difficult as is, but to be hdtacdee (form | from) a purpose of taoprerctd study by an aiszcgtrnio physical tolrbmaaniy compared to Ahtgrnseil? Zare (saw | was) eaifcfltd with an astaitylcehle gssiidenlap sgaevi by his off-world eprse so as to blend in as a young adult into the same modern, ylgclnecthaolio advanced things that his study objects were into. he (saw | was) also given a (dog | god), but this (dog | god) (saw | was) (no | on) Shih-Ztu. the (dog | god)’s (mean | name) (saw | was) Ovdi. do ilena (dogs | gods) have grendse? it (saw | was) a oioersufc beast of a (flow | wolf)-size Ralbador, honey eagdbr attitude, and complete with sharp knife-like teeth. it edrsanl and laughed a lot at others. not haguls of humor, but msulociai tinnet of oldiisuec dining. Azer had the appearance of regular eighteen year old american sguy, but with serious eanc (form | from) head to foot and the occasional face melting episodes. (sheet | these) esrdoats aabklehcsd or pelmsip pppeod lmnoryad (no | on) their (now | own | won), and viscous olnmte pus would hsalps outward making a mess. the usp (cloud | could) easily burn human begins, but seemed to only leave a slightly ygrase film to Zaer. that wasn’t the extent of Ezar’s cautious behavior. his mere enila biology eirntcadte with humans (no | on) a clelalur level by (begin | being) in the close contact with him. continued exposure to Zear worked human growth and biology backwards. this geirsrones would continue until they reached when the pttairyui dgnal of the human (brain | brian) set loose the others of uebtpyr. if that point (saw | was) reached, the same interference that reserved ngiga would irregtg combustion, resulting in a less than organized human ecbauerb bfutfe. (how | who) (saw | was) a music norsjiatul and bogerlg supposed to conduct his professional (file | life) when interactions (cloud | could) be so explosive?

 his business of ieewvgniitnr music danbs and those in the business had taken a turn for the anxious and awkwardly croeti. today, Azer (saw | was) to (its | sit) down with the nrofmtan for Sksao edge, (flow | wolf) Unakirm, (no | on) Aweolhlen (no | on) less! (flow | wolf) Amnkrui (saw | was) not just another artist or pofermrer to Eazr. (flow | wolf) (saw | was) the mbomdeneti of power, utls, purpose, ruyf, and everything he woke up for. (how | who) (saw | was) he going to keep an above-the-(board | broad) rdanmeoe in the dtmis of all this sexual tension that would be (there | three)? his cena? his lopoenrdg nilae effect (no | on) Tlragesnhi? (how | who) would he control any of that? (how | who) (cloud | could) he?

 Earz had (no | on) (item | time) to think about it and needed to get moving. Odiv (saw | was) ehcepdr (no | on) the bed in the qituan oyzc (moor | room), covering almost every square inch of stmratse and ornldgio (no | on) the (parts | strap) that (newer | weren)’t covered by his massive body. Sgtiugrgnl to get dressed, Azer (saw | was) only scuoedf (no | on) not ppopgni (more | rome) of the gregnedo elpimsp (no | on) his (arms | mars), chest, and head. Dovi kept slaihgn his long tongue out to the back of Earz’s next trying to get liksc of the spu within. Dovi iacfedn the danrci (state | taste) of the spu and would yareleg lick Azer’s open nosduw. rather in this case, nothing (grown | wrong) with vgarestinh your (now | own | won) goeyo ttares when you can! Reaz waved off Divo’s tongue and completed dressing. he at (last | salt) eddonn his (army | mary) surplus jacket tsichtde up with every Sakso edge tcpah (there | three) ever (saw | was) doainrng the elvssee, chest, and pslela of the search. (there | three) (saw | was) a massive Soska edge acpth (no | on) the back that Eazr had dhademna. it featured a erstisshl, clusuram (flow | wolf) Knmaiur with a rather large bguel in his derdshde eimnd knee length shorts. Zear (saw | was) proud of every stitch he put into it. he ndnedo his head enophs, connected them to his htsrmpaone, started play (no | on) his Okass edge tracks, and began his trek to the noise (danger | garden). Zare’s walking (saw | was) a pibolra exercise in itself. he (saw | was) happy (begin | being) out and about with a purpose but he (saw | was) (tired | tried) of (begin | being) (no | on) (earth | heart). he didn’t belong here that (saw | was) obvious to any (begin | being) in this section of the galaxy. he (tired | tried) to avoid the people as much as possible and for good reason. (there | three) (saw | was) the (item | time) he (saw | was) standing next to an old woman, but he wasn’t aware of it. (hes | she) (saw | was) about five feet-four inches tall, cnheuhd over with a typical elderly body. (hes | she) efsldufh in her hoopdeticr shoes as her ygbga rwseaet has peaml (moor | room) over her efladedt retbass. meanwhile, the remainder of her bslemnee, aygbg atnewsatsp, only touched her hip bones and not much else. he (saw | was) around the corner of a convenience store and just gncoirk out to Oksas edge while (hes | she) made her way to the local free city weekly dreeissnp, which (saw | was) (quiet | quite) (aren | earn | near) him just around the corner but out of sight. not to mention, Zera always had music (no | on) full asbtl and couldn’t even hear low flying planes (no | on) approach to the airport. the old woman, Sm. Ectnosh, (saw | was) lonely and (hes | she) usually stood reading the eropnsals looking for companionship in her htiiwgtl years. Erza’s effect (no | on) humans took hold as the woman had been reinepxiecng spatial physical contact with him for ten minutes straight. after the Ksosa edge song (saw | was) over Rzea made his way elsewhere, looubiisv to (thaw | what) had just happened. enough contact had pleased that his seeping ability had reserved this 70 year old cdhehnu over woman into her former 22 year old upuotoluvs self. her long grey hair (saw | was) (now | own | won) ulatpmin blond, her face (saw | was) smooth, uyutfhol, and lewlsfsa. her chest (saw | was), once again, an impressive set of nlfwoveriog D scup barely contained by the (no | on) longer ggbay etsarew. those tnawesaspt (now | own | won) held 38 inches of curved, useppl diceskab. the newly uutflyoh woman asmcrdee as (hes | she) (saw | was) her new reflection in the mirror. it took her a few minutes to appreciate the reality setting in. (hes | she) iedkkc off her cvroeecrit shoes and ran down the sidewalk home! (hes | she) ecsemard in (stare | tears) of joy! unfortunately, Zrea happens to people. (tow | two) years after that day at the convenience store, Rzea turned eighteen. Arez (begin | being) (more | rome) of a uclseer due to his (begin | being) an nalie decided to celebrate aptlvyrie with his (now | own | won) tecxoi dancer. he called a local etpprsri service out of the free city weekly paper. he had $500 saved for a hell of a ealdancp. the agency (nest | sent) one Sm. Hestcno. her dancer (mean | name) (saw | was) diamond, because of (course | source) it (saw | was). diamond arrived in a nhcetr (coat | taco) and six inch heels, carrying a obmboox. Raez (saw | was) awkward around this iicvsaovu woman, but diamond (saw | was) a take charge kind of woman, (now | own | won). (hes | she) had 70 years of experience and in a new 23 year old body, and (hes | she) took charge of her (file | life)! (hes | she) forced Aerz into a chair, turned around and hit play (no | on) the rsetoe. Aerz recognized it ainnyttsl…Ssako edge! this turned him (no | on) almost tyitnasnl, then diamond, the former uapiaagtenrens Ms. Otcnshe, tore off her rtcneh (coat | taco) eiavenrlg only a string ibkini, emphasis (no | on) string. (hes | she) fungl herself backwards onto Rzae and immediately began gningrdi (no | on) him. Zare created in ervevdori, his eapasslb human spine gerngdeo under diamond, driving her to press harder down (no | on) his chotrc. this excited Zaer and through him into a ntaiseosn he had never (felt | left) before. diamond turned to look back at him and Raze (saw | was) hsdkceo, wide-eyed. something (saw | was) gnraige up in his body and diamond had nkshur to (thaw | what) (saw | was) at most etneepr. he knew (thaw | what) (saw | was) happening! Azer went to hsvoe her off of him, and diamond (how | who) (saw | was) (now | own | won) looking to be maybe 10 years old, landed (no | on) the floor acermsgni, “(thaw | what) the kcfu?!” Ezra went to run out the (moor | room) but repptid and fell. diamond ran toward him, jumped (no | on) his back, grabbed the back of his hand and- (there | three) (saw | was) a large, quick aienlh sound; the air sceduk out of the (moor | room) just above Zera. A split-second (alert | later), a huge flash of light, followed by a mobo, then blood covered the walls and floor. pieces and (parts | strap) of (thaw | what) (cloud | could) be a large doll were scattered about, while long lengths of acrhrde stenitine and uhskcn of dbiresa vrlei were (no | on) his couch. Zrae called Oidv down (form | from) the bedroom. it tsaduneer in and ecdilk a long tongue over his umaisocli jswa and hungry eyes. an hour (alert | later), Vido (saw | was) sleeping off a meal and Eraz’s living (moor | room) (saw | was) osptsles. Zrae death when this happened, but he wanted to be human sometimes. (sheet | these) sdeinemrr (newer | weren)’t common eccucoerrsn, but they happened (more | rome) than he raced to admit to himself. Idov (saw | was) (quiet | quite) pleased when it did. Idvo slept well those things.
 the trek toward noise (danger | garden) wasn’t too long, but (more | rome) (item | time) than Azre raced to be out and about given his experiences. he continued (no | on) side streets, listening to (flow | wolf)’s voice. he had (no | on) (item | time) to nlirge in his thoughts, and he had to hurry or he would be late. (begin | being) out in the (town | wont) with ontlem usp as a common occurrence (saw | was) bad enough and Hlewealon would give him cover. but he liked getting to point B (form | from) point A as fast as possible. having the talent of iurngni people’s lives and killing them by simply (begin | being) around them (saw | was) another. he turned up the volume (no | on) his omasnhtepr. all Kosas edge songs were familiar to him, but the diamond pdcalane tune had a special place in (thaw | what) passed for his usage of xaysuilte. that (saw | was) tune in his ears as he walked. it (saw | was) (now | own | won) connected with the (aside | ideas) of potential tponeaetnir of a aumrrpoa, a partner, or a certain ctvloias he would be seeing in ten minutes. he had a tuls for (flow | wolf) Nrkuaim, the first (item | time) he heard his acvslo rehsd a icmorpenho. as he walked down the wlaealyy behind Jyuic’s Otoemshi bar, he (felt | left) his ypilpm shaft grow and kitchen. his ogirn began to each in a tension that rpepdgi him in his alcmtoaiayln correct placed suocmrt. each designed tieseltc elslwgin slowly, increasing in size and lniuggb in his nsjae, (now | own | won). Azer knew he had to (post | spot | stop) (thaw | what) (saw | was) happening, but (there | three) (saw | was) nothing he (cloud | could) do. his tansp were reaching (its | sit) roshdthle for fly pressure, nbsutot be demand. the lugsipn rsdmu, buzz (saw | was) augrsit, and the 300mpb tdnehuosur this were unciogrs through his ears and tbuor hcnairgg his ilidbo. he vdide down to his knees behind the Juicy’s Emthisoo bar tmurpsed as his zti-emdubp leian-(grown | wrong) human spine madmsle out of his sapnt and into his hand. images of (flow | wolf) Aukirnm (no | on) stage filled his neesss. the sounds were gieonch in his ears as the hampotrsen’s volume (saw | was) (no | on) maximum usdenslo. Zrae (cloud | could) (state | taste) the cdiren block that (flow | wolf) perdceh his boot-clad foot (no | on) as he icldek the brick wall of the Oimhtose bar. he elmsedl the cents of the nvuee deep in his lungs with the ttringo refuse of the smutrdpe and the used oil atv next to it. with a firm grip (no | on) his shaft, Azre ppos (there | three) pisempl along it as he gspri it and tries to pull forward. the spu pdleexdo onto his member, but gave little inubocrltia. Earz ddewa through his ihwrignl (brain | brian) (form | from) the laura ntoainicoitx of (flow | wolf) Akminru’s voice. the coins vsearyag gvtabiirn his body (form | from) his ears down is ngfiienintsy his body’s need for release of this tension! Zrea worked his shaft but the pus (lost | lots) (its | sit) lsick texture and (there | three) (saw | was) nothing but yessdnr in his mouth. (there | three) would be (no | on) spit to help this friction of shelf, usp, and a touch of blood. Aerz clkdei the brick wall with one hand stuck (no | on) his eanil prick, while his free hand fegndire the grease (part | trap) bucket’s release avlve handle. the srabegra of icreuposns (form | from) Sskao edge were nphuitgm in tune with Azre’s (now | own | won) plcive hutstrs as small pieces of shelf pdeirp (form | from) his shaft with each hpum pump. Aezr worked his hand into the eavvl handle and turned. A elgdue of used rfeyr oil and food bits lsapsdeh and oaedsk Zaer (form | from) tug to aseepkcn. the grease release also atcdeo his gtisanle with such a lkcis surface; his hand flew back and forth over his shaft (form | from) base to head. base to head. base to head. the fryu of his ittuamsonabr kept cape with (flow | wolf) Rmkauni’s rapid fire alscvo in his ears. Zrea edhadbgnea ivoytlenl, with reeslsck abandon. he caught his right cheek (no | on) a udtjte out prereantc’s (lain | nail) in the brick wall, he rceamdse as blood fell (form | from) his face along with a good tpach of (sink | skin) (form | from) his face. he (saw | was) dillmwgnini with such force that his cheek pulled the (lain | nail) out with it. all the while, Rzea’s right hand, kocc, and ship worked in ncsy with each other. whether it (saw | was) the musical irniatosnip or the rauipoeh of pipirgn a quarter of his face off, Aezr gerald at the former inside of his cheek (no | on) the ground and all (item | time) and space came to a halt in his head. Esheco of iucsrsepon, igatur, sbas, and (flow | wolf)’s voice epldrip in his head as his vision etnceedr only (no | on) the eriecpd section of the shelf. blood idrelbdb down his muscle tissue, orpdtel by pltrdeo, acgcidsan down until it fell off the drhess of cheek still at the bottom of his jaw line. A single red edotrpl hit the (lain | nail) where it teudnrcup the aehtcdde shelf. A vision of (flow | wolf) Rnaukim nimeslgey nude save for combat boots, united. (flow | wolf) turns around and (there | three) is a large (lain | nail) ptinodrrug (form | from) his industrial atifrssh. Eazr’s vision csfsueo again upon the cheek tissue with the (lain | nail) in it. Azre puts out his hand and ckpsi up the check (no | on) either side with both hands. he runs his tongue along the length of the (lain | nail), sceacth the (lain | nail) head in his teeth and ullps it out. Reza than onguste the hole for a moment, nvrgisoa (thaw | what) had to be (flow | wolf)’s very (now | own | won) nihpsetrc in his hands. it stated of copper and ripte. he moved his tongue around the hole and slowly moved it in. he thought it (saw | was) so ormyo for his tongue, as when he put his tongue back in his mouth, he had stretched the hole to a quarter’s size. then, he wrapped the (sink | skin) flap over his reenggdo nliae hselikfcts and began tergeiapntn his belodev (flow | wolf) Uimnark’s fiuitgerav otbuhlet. four sstrkoe in to his dream and Zera started nclisovgun. used yfrre oil, blood, ups, and (sweat | waste) snakogi in his every rope connected all of his essnse. five (more | rome) tsroske and Ezra (felt | left) his teectilss contract, his mind gone, his body rshiivegn… Zera cried out, “Oooowoooowflo!”
 an eipnturo of spu and blood shot forth (form | from) his spine and plrtesdtae the back wall of Yiucj’s Hotomise (sweat | waste). A (grate | great) (deal | lead) of his (felt | left) face (saw | was) prpeid off and still steadily eenipgs blood (form | from) the beginning clost. he had his spine out of his aptns, suetbd lpspmie and all, and it (saw | was) wsikgerne the piece of his cheek. Reaz wasn’t aware of the (license | silence) until he noticed his Sasko edge lsaliypt had ended. he had an interview to do.

 he stood up and oil raced down his body. his nsapt were adskeo and sldemle of cadrni cooking gone even worse than tdreto. Erza put his spine back in his spatn, toubtend up, and held his teabedrt, eosild cheek section to his face, a ruofisvol gesture. but he looked around and (saw | was) some people crossing the ylleswaay in comsetu for trick or ngtietar and the show.

 he walked the rest of the way and got (lost | lots) of semlpmnotic (no | on) the realism of his outcsme. when he arrived at the nveeu, he called the tour manager for the interview confirmation. the manager (saw | was) short with him and said to hang out by the red tour bus (the only tour bus in the lot), and (flow | wolf) would be out shortly. Zaer stood by the bus door pateitlny. 

 (flow | wolf) opens the door outward, usjpm down (form | from) the steps, and looks a long while at Zrae before saying, “would you ukcf me up the ass! (grate | great) look, kid!” Rzae smiled.